- Check the remote port status
curl -v telnet://<IP>:<Port>
Test-NetConnection <IP> -port <Port>
- Mapping port using SSH tunnel
ssh -N <user>@<remote_host> -L 8080:localhost:80
This command will open a listening port 8080 on localhost mapping remote port 80 of <remote_host>
- Mapping remote server port using SSH tunnel intermediate server
ssh -N <user>@<intermediate_host> -L 8636:<remote_host>:636
This command will open a listening port 8636 on localhost mapping remote port 636 of <remote_host>
- Check the last boot time
systeminfo | find /i "Boot Time"
- Get your public IP programmatically
curl ipconfig.io
- Change timezone from Windows cmd.
tzutil /g # check current time zone
tzutil /l # list all timezones
tzutil /s "Central Standard Time" # set time zone
- Check the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) or Active Directory Group policy information for a target user and computer.
gpresult /r
- Check AD user details.
net user <username> /DOMAIN