Sum Column in Linux

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Sum column in Linux  is very easy  and you can do it by a single command.  If you have a file with multiple columns and you need to quickly get the total of a column in command line in  Linux , the easiest way is to use AWK .   Consider you have a file name test.txt . The file content is space or tab separated.


1 2 3
3 4 5
5 6 9
7 8 10

Consider, you would like to sum second column .  The command is

awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{sum=sum+$2}END{print sum}' test.txt

The $2 actually defines which column you would like to sum. If you would like to sum the third column the command will be

awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{sum=sum+$3}END{print sum}' test.txt

If your file is not space or tab separated the command will be little different . As example your file is CSV file or comma separated and its name is test2.csv and you would like to sum third column

awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";sum=0}{sum=sum+$3}END{print sum}' test2.csv

You have to just put FS =”,” syntax.   That means any field separator rather than space or tab you have to use FS=”field separator” syntax under begin section of awk.

Now, consider your file (test2.csv) has header row and you want to skip that line


To sum third column , the command will be

awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";sum=0}{if(NR>1)sum=sum+$3}END{print sum}' test2.csv

So, sum column in Linux is an one command task and I hope the above tutorial would be helpful for everyone.